Originally shared by David Guyll
What with it being October and all, I figured I should give this another shot. Hopefully we’ll get ‘er done this time.
I’m re-running this with an almost entirely new crew, a few of which have played lots of d20 but are also completely new to Dungeon World, so it is interesting how they are taking to the game.
I’m also compiling a pdf of conversion notes, which I’ll post when we’re done.
#dungeonworld #ravenloft #actualplay
Ok, mi interessa. È sempre stato uno dei miei pallini e volevo persino farci una campagna/avventura, quando giocavo alla 3.5.
Ravenloft l’ho sempre adorato (soprattutto quella campagna in cui tutti i pg avevano deciso di provare a portarsi a letto Gabrielle Ardere….)