penso sia un’idea carina…

penso sia un’idea carina…

penso sia un’idea carina…

Originally shared by David Schirduan

GM Tip I wish I’d thought of 6 months ago #32:

If you’re having trouble creating, describing, and giving life to monsters, just look at some magic cards.

I did a little math, and the numbers CAN be used to estimate attack/armor, but the better option is to look at the picture, read the lore, and run it through the dungeon world monster creator: 

This is also a great way to ensure detailed descriptions. Your players never need to see the card. you can just describe what you see, and they will interpret it in their imaginations.

Here’s one for the card below, for example:

Reya Dawnbringer

Group, Magical, Divine, Organized, Intelligent, Cautious

Divine Gladius (b[2d10+2] damage 1 piercing)   Close, Near

12 HP 5 armor

The Reya are the elite force of angels created by an ancient and nameless God. They enforce justice, and ensure that the evils of the world are kept in check. The Dawnbringer is the captain of this angelic force, and a dangerous foe to reckon with. Instinct: to enforce justice

Flying attacks

Summon Legion

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