Hi Guys,
I have a quick question relating to secrets at the table… Basically do you allow/encourage it.
The reason I ask is because one of my players decided that one of his characters motivations is to find out what happened to bis mother who was taken some time ago by someone.
Two more of my players then immediateley begun scribbling on notepaper and handed it over to me. By chance they both came up with the fact that their characters know what happened to her and their stories corroborated. I said fair enough they both gained a bond and I made a note of it. The player who was looking for his mother clearly didnt like the fact that they had a secret relating to his pc and I just told him to add the PC is keeping an important secret from me bond and to see where the story takes us but I’m not sure if that works so well in a story game.
Thoughts welcome
Anche l’articolo di Baker citato è assai interessante, e secondo me approfondisce di più
Non riesco a leggere la discussione…
Sei iscritto alla DW tavern?
Si si…sono andato a cercarlo direttamente la e l’ho visto…credevo ci fosse un modo da qui…😊 comunque meravigliosa risposta davvero!!!
Basta cliccare sul link “ha condiviso il primo post con”, oppure andare direttamente qui: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NielsJensenGeek/posts/16oaDuX9PCi.
è un argomento di cui si parla ogni tanto, ma l’esempio parafrasato da hitchcock è notevole 😀
Perché è una tecnica di narrazione fondamentale.
Perché tutto il suo modo di fare film è così!!!!