Potrebbe essere utile per chi gioca in Inverse world :)

Potrebbe essere utile per chi gioca in Inverse world 🙂

Potrebbe essere utile per chi gioca in Inverse world 🙂

Originally shared by Dyson Logos

Work in Progress shot #3 of the Skyrealms isometric view.

I’m digging this.

– more depth to the large island

– a bit more detail around the overlap between the grass and the far-left structure

– new central structure

– mountain edge at right side of large island

– crystal outcropping (this is essential to Jorune’s skyrealms – the hardened crystals repel themselves from the liquid magma-like crystals in the planet below, which is why the skyrealms float in the sky)

– more detail to the central hill (still not sure exactly how I’m going to make this work…)

– tried to make the lake on the small island seem to be more in a depression than just sitting there

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