…ho trovato questo intervento di Sage mooolto interessante…e poi è Sage!!!:D

…ho trovato questo intervento di Sage mooolto interessante…e poi è Sage!!!:D

…ho trovato questo intervento di Sage mooolto interessante…e poi è Sage!!!:D

Originally shared by Sage LaTorra

Quick hack based on the amazing Straits of Anian blog:

Battle Scars

Sometimes you lose more than just your flesh and blood.

Any time you’d normally take a debility you instead choose one:

Language You can no longer speak language, nor can you read or write. You may still moan & holler unintelligibly if desired.

Civilization You can no longer use tools or weapons and must perform all actions directly, with your body.

Skill You lose a move of your choice.

Passion You become depressed and lethargic, unable to perform any significant actions not in response to a direct threat, immediate danger, or basic survival.

Humanity You becomes perceptibly but indescribably inhuman, reducing you Charisma score to 3 (Cha -3). Animals growl or otherwise act hostile in your presence, and hirelings will not follow them. Even old friends may turn against you.

Each can be marked only once. If you’d mark a debility but have none remaining, you are no longer alive. Your body may still move about, but there is no spirit in it.

Mark of Death

Nearing death always leaves you changed.

Whenever your total damage taken is greater than your Constitution score, you take a debility.

Note that this hack totally messes with the Paladin, because Bloody Aegis will be much less useful.

Mi sembra possa edsere uno strumento utile!!

Mi sembra possa edsere uno strumento utile!!

Mi sembra possa edsere uno strumento utile!!

Originally shared by Miles Sterrett

I wanted to share with you all some tools I built for Dungeon World: http://dwtools.mileszs.com/

There’s a Hard Move Finder, a Monster Finder, and a Monster Maker. They’re perhaps a bit rough yet, but I’m anxious to get your feedback.

(Thank you Todd Grotenhuis for your feedback thus far!)


l’ho guardata veloce…ma non sembra niente male!!!

l’ho guardata veloce…ma non sembra niente male!!!

l’ho guardata veloce…ma non sembra niente male!!!

Originally shared by Trenton Greyoak

Hey Tavern-goers! I just released another of those playbooks I’ve been working on for awhile. This time around it’s the Psion Dreamer. Enjoy!



carino come mostro e carino lo scambio di opinioni ;)

carino come mostro e carino lo scambio di opinioni 😉

carino come mostro e carino lo scambio di opinioni 😉

Originally shared by Doctor Starky

Cave Bat

Horde, Tiny

3hp, 0 Armor

Bite (d4 damage, Hand)

Special Qualities: Flying

Instinct: To rest uninterrupted

*Get all up in someone’s grill

*Make a huge ruckus

Generic, but useful. When someone draws unwanted attention, just throw a bat in their face.

Cosa ne pensate???

Cosa ne pensate???

Cosa ne pensate???

Originally shared by james day

A few perilous journey moves for a dungeon or even mega dungeon.

When exploring the dungeon not knowing where you are heading assign Scout, Dungeoneer, and Quartermaster.

Scout Roll +Wis on a 10+ you do not get ambushed and you find somewhere significant or a secret area, your choice . On a 7-9 you choose 1 of those options

Dungeoneer Roll +Int on a 10+ you do not get lost and you do not get surprised by any traps. On a 7-9 you have to choose 1 of those options.

Quartermaster Roll +Int on a 10+ you do not consume more rations or torches then you need. On a 7-9 choose either rations or torches, you have used more of those then you would of liked.

When you are trying to get to somewhere you have been before but you haven’t placed on the map Assign Scout, Mapper, and Quartermaster.

Scout Roll +Wis on a 10+ you do not get ambushed by any monsters and you can quickly find your way again when you get lost. On a 7-9 you choose 1 of those options.

Mapper Roll +Int On a 10+ you manage to go around the dangerous part of the journey and can put the location on the map. On a 7-9 choose 1 of those options.

Quartermaster Roll +Int On a 10+ you have used as many rations and torches you would of expected to use. On a 7-9 you choose either torches or rations, you have used more of that then you would of liked.

…giusto per condividere qualcosa che può essere utile a chi è alle prime armi…

…giusto per condividere qualcosa che può essere utile a chi è alle prime armi…

…giusto per condividere qualcosa che può essere utile a chi è alle prime armi…

Originally shared by John Lewis

We just put up an article focused on Hard Moves over at RPG Alchemy. hope you guys find something interesting!


…magari a qualcuno interessa ;)

…magari a qualcuno interessa 😉

…magari a qualcuno interessa 😉

Originally shared by J. Walton

I announced this to the Planarch Codex community yesterday, but to make it public: Dark Heart is now free (in addition to being CC-BY)! Basically, it’s had a great run, and there are several new Planarch booklets in the pipe (thanks in part to my new Patreon). And I want to make sure the new stuff will be accessible to Dungeon World fans without people having to own previous products. Dark Heart is the foundation of all the other weird stuff I do, so here it is!


Ciao a tutti!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!

Ciao a tutti!!!

Come magari qualcuno di voi saprà ogni mercoledì un gruppo di persone amanti del gdr (tra i quali sono compreso pure io 🙂 si ritrova per fare un liveplay in italiano di giochi di ruolo che viene trasmesso in diretta sia in audio che in video e che diventa un podcast!

Questa trasmissione, questo podcast, si chiama FUMBLE e per 3 mercoledì si gioca con D&D 5 edizione mentre il quarto mercoledì è dedicato a Dungeon World con un gruppo di Coboldi!!!!

Quest’anno trasmetteremo in diretta dal Play di Modena e per festeggiare lo spinoff Coboldi, in collaborazione con gli amici di Narrattiva, abbiamo deciso di indire un concorso tra tutti i nostri ascoltatori e tutti gli appassionati di GDR (soprattutto Dungeon World): Colorate il vostro coboldo!

Andando al link potete scoprire chi siamo, cosa facciamo, i termini del concorso ed i premi!!!

Vi aspettiamo ed aspettiamo le vostre mosse!

Coboldiiiiiiiiii 😀

Originally shared by Fumble GDR

In occasione del Play 2015, dove parteciperemo entrambe le giornate con delle puntate speciali live, abbiamo organizzato in collaborazione con Narrattiva un concorso per celebrare, ovviamente il Coboldo, il nuovo libretto che è stato inserito da Narrattiva nella seconda edizione del manuale di Dungeon World, che noi tanto adoriamo. E vogliamo quindi premiare i nostri ascoltatori con un bottino degno di Krubal.
